‘BBMzansi’ winner Mandla Hlatshwayo, the victor of the inaugural season of Big Brother Mzansi (BBMzansi) in 2014, has recently shared his personal journey, including his triumphs and tribulations. After his BBMzansi win, Mandla’s career took off. He landed a reality TV show titled “Mandla and Lex” with his partner and mother of his two children, Lexi Van, whose real name is Brumilda van Niekerk. He also became a presenter on the Mzansi Wethu music show “Please Call Me.”

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The Downfall: The Impact of a Social Media Rant

However, Mandla’s life took a turn for the worse following a rant he posted on social media. This incident led to brands severing ties with him. Reflecting on this episode, Mandla expressed regret, stating, “I regret having the rant because it squandered my brand. I was not fully aware of how big my brand was and that ruined everything for me. Some of my fans left and I lost work.”

‘BBMzansi’ winner Mandla: Financial Struggles and Losing His Home

Upon winning BBMzansi, Mandla made significant investments in property. He bought a house for himself and renovated his mother’s house. Despite hearing stories of people mismanaging their winnings, Mandla believed he was responsible with his money.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 brought about financial difficulties that forced him to sell his house. “I had no choice. I could not afford to keep the house anymore. That is one of my biggest regrets, getting rid of my home,” Mandla confessed.

Looking Forward: A Desire to Return to Presenting

Despite the challenges he has faced, Mandla remains hopeful about the future. He is currently trying to make ends meet and has expressed a desire to return to presenting, a job he excelled at in the past. “That is something I was really good at then and I would do that again for sure,” he said.

By Shamiso Kuambarimwe

Shamiso Kuambarimwe is a SEO specialist, Blogging & Content Strategy

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