On Sunday, 5 November, rumors began circulating on X (formerly known as Twitter) suggesting that veteran actor Lindani Nkosi had passed away. Mzansi Magic, the network that airs the show in which Nkosi stars, has since stepped in to dispute these rumors. Fake news! Mzansi Magic confirms Lindani Nkosi is not dead.

Lindani Nkosi is not dead

Social media users were shocked and in disbelief when rumors of seasoned actor Lindani Nkosi’s alleged death began to circulate on X. Mzansi Magic has since addressed these rumors, categorically denying them. The network confirmed that Nkosi, who plays Mshengu on their show, My Brother’s Keeper, is very much alive and well.

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Mzansi Magic’s Statement

“Mzansi Magic is aware of the horrendous rumor making the rounds on social media alleging that Lindani Nkosi who plays Mshengu on My Brother’s Keeper has passed on. Please note that this is not true, and we urge you not to be part of spreading this lie,” Mzansi Magic said.

Lindani Nkosi’s Career Highlights

Nkosi has recently starred in eTV’s Isitha: The Enemy where he played as Chief Ngwenya. He also acted in Smoke & Mirrors as Samson. His other best-known roles are in the 2004 movie Drum where he took on the Nelson Mandela role. However, he is widely known for his iconic role as Moshe in Takalani Sesame, as reported by IMDB.

Social Media Reactions

The rumor sparked a flurry of reactions from social media users. Many expressed relief upon learning that the rumors were false, while others criticized the trend of spreading false death rumors about living individuals. Here are some of the reactions:

  • “Inhliziyo yami cishe yama! I’m relieved,” @ shonaneomuhle commented.
  • “The nonsense of killing people whilst they’re still alive started late this year ????,” @ Ihhashi_Turkei said.
  • “They need to stop killing people when they are still alive,” @Lethabo4991 wrote.
  • “South Africa and killing alive people,” @AkanimiltonM replied.

By Shamiso Kuambarimwe

Shamiso Kuambarimwe is a SEO specialist, Blogging & Content Strategy

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