Actress and media personality Nonhle Thema recently opened up about her past experiences with money and fame in her 20s. In a series of Instagram posts, she shared her thoughts on the subject and urged others to have a better relationship with money.
The Dangers of Too Much Money Too Soon
Nonhle revealed that having too much money at a young age turned her into a “monster” in her 20s. She warned that if one is not ready, money can have negative effects. She encouraged others to pray for understanding so that money can be good to them.
Growing Up in Wealth
Nonhle shared that she grew up in a wealthy family, with her father being very wealthy. Money was not new to her, but when she made her own money, she turned into something else. She cautioned against being a slave to money and shared that she was always trying to prove to her father that she was worthy. Now, she knows better and understands that money is meant to serve her, not the other way around.
Shifting Focus Away from Money
In another post, Nonhle shared that she has shifted her focus away from making money her center. She admitted that she lost her soul because of money and fame and had to let it all go so she could live again. It was a painful process, but it was worth it. Now, God is her idol.
Reflecting on Turning 40
The media personality was feeling reflective as she recently turned 40. She shared that she is no longer chasing and is okay with being herself. She is grateful for being healthy, alive, and beautiful. She is happy and focuses on health by going to the gym a lot.
Manifesting Her Desires
In a series of Instagram posts, Nonhle was loving on herself and releasing positive vibes to the universe. She humbly manifested her desire for the Nonhle Thema brand to be as big as the Coca-Cola brand and thanked the universe for making it so.