The popular actress Manaka Ranaka, renowned for her role as Lucy Diale in the television series Generations: The Legacy, has issued a challenge to the entertainer Zodwa Rebecca Libram, also known as Zodwa Wabantu. Zodwa Wabantu vs Manaka Ranaka
On Thursday, 12 October, Ranaka took to her Instagram account to share a video where she boldly challenged the dancer Zodwa Wabantu to face her in a boxing ring.
Also read: Celebrity Boxing Match: Zodwa Wabantu vs Khanyi Mbau
The Backstory of Zodwa Wabantu vs Manaka Ranaka
Ranaka’s challenge comes in the wake of reports from Sunday World that Khanyi Mbau, star of The Wife, will not be participating in the upcoming celebrity boxing match against Zodwa Wabantu. This news was followed by the revelation that Mbau will be replaced by another actress from an SABC1 soapie. Arnold “Squire” Nododile, the promoter of the event, reportedly told the publication, “Khanyi will no longer be part of the fight, please note we’ve found a potential replacement to fight with Zodwa Wabantu. We are just waiting for the actress to return back the contract today (Wednesday), so we can make the posters to promote the fight.”
Khanyi Mbau’s Withdrawal
Celebrity blog Maphepha Ndaba revealed a week ago that actress Khanyi Mbau, who is currently in Dubai, has dismissed reports that she’s set to fight Zodwa Wabantu. She was quoted saying, “No admin it’s a lie, I’m not doing any fight with Zodwa mina. I’m a lady, why would I do that? My brand wouldn’t allow me to do such.”
Fan Reactions and Expectations
Fans of Ranaka are confident that she will emerge victorious in the upcoming fight with entertainer and businesswoman Zodwa Wabantu. They eagerly await the match and are keen to see how this unexpected turn of events unfolds.
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Zodwa Wabantu vs Manaka Ranaka: The Venue and Date
The promoter, Arnold “Squire” Nododile previously confirmed to Sowetan on 3 October that the fight will take place at The Ridge Casino in Emalahleni, Mpumalanga on 22 October. This much-anticipated event is sure to draw a large crowd and generate significant buzz in the entertainment industry.